HRY A ZÁBAVAUncategorized @sk
18 ways to find out you’re overdoing it with CaDM
- You only leave the apartment through the ventilation shaft.
- You won’t step into the apartment until you throw a flashbang there.
- With each click you hear, you hide because it could be a sniper.
- Anyone who stays in a public restroom for more than a minute is labeled a camper.
- When you wake up, you try to choose a weapon.
- You die about 20 times a day.
- At work or school, you only talk about weapons.
- When you leave the house in the morning, you leave with the words „Plant the bomb“.
- Whenever you meet a boss or a teacher, you say „Enemy contact“.
- When you panic, you run with a knife in your hand.
- When you throw the starling out of the cigarette, you automatically shout „Granat!“.
- When you are waiting for the bus, you are standing behind, below or above the stop.
- When you go to school, you wear a bulletproof vest. Čo je dobre na pankreas
- You put a bomb in the green box.
- After each written paragraph, you change the bomb in the pen.
- You will jump from a height of 5 meters, because it would take a long time to pass and youthink that you will survive the rest of the day with 40% health.
- If you want to ventilate, you will blow up the window and you will be surprised that the shards remain lying on the ground for a long time.
- When your alarm goes off in the morning, you’re desperately looking for a Bomb